World suicide statistics,Prayer Point!

Source WHO

Whilst we have girl child and women support groups, Let’s pray for our men. The effective and fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Men out there open up and share with friends and relatives don’t live life alone.

Let’s also believe and set up men’s forums for our men to receive support from!


  1. It’s very important to pray and cover men. Men should be symbols of leadership and powerful foundations in their homes. The enemy goes for the foundation because he comes to steal, kill and destroy! “If the foundations are destroyed, What can the righteous do?”
    ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭11:3‬ ‭

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree Sir.The trauma of pain of growing up without a father in the home is unbearable.
      So.indeed we have to take this seriously.
      Thank you so much!


  2. TamrahJo says:

    Amen! In my country/culture, I truly believe the battles fought for women to gain some rights over their own destiny before the laws and mores of the land, much was left wanting in supporting our males in the transition of women’s rights, entry into traditionally held by men places in work & society – and while women are now told they can be ‘anything’ they want when they grow up, there is still residuals within our culture which ask much of men, but do not honor their choices, or needs as fully as, I believe, should be. Until the various pendulum swings of culture, state and traditions move to the middle to pave the way where individuals, regardless of sex, are seen and lauded for their individual talents, strengths and needs, I do believe we will continue to see statistics such as these, as well as the alarming statistics of women victims of homicides…. To me? Both sets of statistics point to our very real need for prayer and through prayer and support, forging our collective way forth to a better world, for men and women.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hallelujah. Not only in your country even this side and the world over.Indeed overtime, we created a flawed system. We need more prayers and probably believe God for solutions to.heal our.families and societies

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hallelujah.Not only in your country even this side and the world over.Indeed overtime, we created a flawed system.We need more more prayer and believe God for solutions to heal our families and societies


  4. Domeka says:

    This is a very good idea support groups like this should be in place. I also believe that as a women in Christ we should be in the background praying more for our men (Pray Ye One For Another).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amen and amen.
      There is something about prayers from women.It seems women when they pray they are determined.
      Let the Deborah arise

      NKJV Bible. Judges 5:6-7
      [6]“In the days of Shamgar, son of Anath, In the days of Jael, The highways were deserted, And the travelers walked along the byways.
      [7]Village life ceased, it ceased in Israel, Until I, Deborah, arose, Arose a mother in Israel.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Domeka says:

        Amen indeed let the Deborah’s arise

        Liked by 1 person

  5. ChallEngEr says:

    This is an eye-opener! While I was praying especially for men God gave me a song while I was standing in my kitchen early morning.” Man, Where are you?”, just like He came down to the garden.
    Last week He reminded me of this and also that He visits their territories but go not find them there….it is desolate!


    1. Oooh that’s a strong point there.
      So infact we should pray for men to rise and take their places right?


      1. ChallEngEr says:

        Exactly…..God is observing and visiting their territories and find it desolate!They must report for duty and accept tgeir assignments! We pray!


  6. Amita says:

    Men or Women, suicide is not a solution. You are right men also needs attention, lets start from the home, hope it can bring some change and thank you so much for highlighting it.Thanks for following Thought Fountain 🤗


    1. Yeepe Thought Fountain to the world…Thank for the contribution indeed suicide is not a solution.
      And if the change starts from home we will have strong families and strong families are precursors to a strong community.

      People who are loved and appreciated at home cannot consider suicide as a way out.
      May God help us!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. You are right! Men also need attention


    1. On point…thank you coming through and drop the comment here!


      1. I’m doing well Alice.
        Thank you.


      2. mosckerr says:

        marcdbaker asks a Torah question: November 13, 2021
        Rabbi KERR, I have a question please and it may not seem serious to some but it is to me. It is a serious question to me. My question is… In the scriptures, how does one gain the confidence to believe that G-D is pleased with their works ? Is there scripture that addresses this issue?
        The Response:
        “”How does one gain the confidence to believe that G-D is pleased with their works?””
        Xtianity bases itself upon a Pauline conflict theme which confronts faith vs. works. The Torah rejects all belief systems as tumah. Tumah spirits arouse the Yatzir HaRah within the human heart. These tumah spirits, the source of irrational emotions, physically produced by the major internal organs within our bodies. The identification of tumah spirits within our hearts, when emotions dominate and control the rational mind of Man. The employment of propaganda and rhetoric by politicians and priests\pastors seeks to arouse an emotional response by the listening audience. A famous example of religious rhetoric, ‘fire and brimstone’ sermons. Beliefs in this or that God, Heaven and Hell etc etc. All belief systems wherein a person declares “I believe” … constitute as avoda zarah idolatry. Your question cuts straight to the heart of the Parshah of Noach.
        What relevance does this Parshah have with the rest of the Torah? From the 3rd Parshah of Lech Lecha to the end of D’varim the Torah focus centers around the chosen cohen seed of Avraham.
        Not so Parshat Noach. That Parshah addresses “Bnai Brit Goyim”. Who qualifies as a Bnai Brit Goy? Dof ג of the Gemara of Avoda Zara teaches that Goyim across the board abandoned the brit faith.
        Herein explains the floods and the later stories of Sodom and the fears of Avram and Yitzak that the Goyim would murder them for the beauty of their wives.
        Therefore seeing that mitzvot from the Torah do not apply ,,, Man receives no reward for keeping mitzvot while existing in accursed g’lut\exile. Herein comes to play Parshat Noach, commonly referred to as the “Brit Bnai Noach” …. the only Bnai Brit people on the face of the earth, Israel. Only Israel accepted the revelation of the Torah at Sinai.
        Therefore Parshat Noach – the Brit Bnai Noach – applies strictly and only to Jews living in g’lut. The Torah defines ‘fear of Heaven’ as Ba’al Shem Tov, a person who strives to maintain and respect the reputation of his\her ‘Good Name’. The vision of the Torah quite simple: live a righteous and just life on this earth.
        Righteous refers to the dedication unto HaShem of defined tohor middot wherein a person dedicates the Yatzir Ha’Tov to dominate the key decisions of life wherein a person defines his lifes’ walk before HaShem. Just, the Torah defines as – the courage to fairly compensate others whose person or property you damaged either intentionally or accidentally. Justice: the fair compensation for all damages inflicted upon others.
        The Jewish take on the Hebrew Scriptures spins around the distinction between tohor and tuma. This subject Xtianity totally ignores. The subject of ‘greatest commandments — hands down the opening first 2 commandments of Sinai. Sinai represents the watershed moment which eternally separates bnai brit Jews from non Jews. The Xtian Bible for example violates the 1st Commandment of Sinai. Aaron translated the Name revealed in the first Commandment unto the word אלהים. The Xtian Bible translations make the exact same avoda zara error by translating the Name, revealed in the 1st Commandment, to other words. The Name lives as Spirit not a word that the lips can pronounce. Attempts to translate the Name into a word: Yahweh, Jehova etc etc all examples of avoda zara, commonly mistranslated as idolatry.
        Most people translate tefilla into the English word — prayer. Tefilla shares nothing in common with non Jewish prayer. By the terms of the oath brit (brit commonly mistranslated into covenant. The bible translations all pathetic. The term brit requires swearing an oath, which requires the kabbala knowledge of saying the Spirit Name of HaShem, which the Bible never once ever includes. The translation of covenant fails to grasp the Torah requirement that swearing a Torah oath requires knowledge how to pronounce the Spirit Name of HaShem (The Name). The revelation of the Name in the first commandment of Sinai, this Spirit no word can pronounce.
        The consequence of unreliable biblical translations, the Xtian religion which stands upon the foundation of personal “I Believe” belief systems makes critical and fundamental errors. Xtianity denies the existence of the Oral Torah. Big Mistake.
        The Torah compares to the Talmud — both documents highly edited. The most famous example of this fundamental reality of the Torah texts … the 10 commandments. Xtianity never troubles itself with anything other than fuzzy logic. Never met a Xtian that asks: “How does the T’NaCH (Torah, Prophets, and Holy Writings) define the word prophet? Witchcraft foretells the future. Prophets do not foretell the future. Its absolutely impossible to “fulfill” the words of the prophets! Prophets command mussar to all generations of bnai brit Israel. Xtianity never examines T’NaCH mussar. A very Big Error.
        All T’NaCH prophets command mussar instruction. The so called “10 Commandments” serve as a great example of understanding how the editors of the Torah organized the Torah revelation at Sinai. The framers and editors of the Torah always stood in the shadows of g’lut\exile. The stories of the expulsion of Adam from the garden, Noach and his Ark, childless Avram told that his future born chosen Cohen seed would suffer g’lut\exile. This fundamental strategic reality which the Pauline dogma of original sin totally ignores, it plays out that bnai brit Yidden alway fear the censorship of Goyim overlords.
        At Sinai Israel accepted only the first 2 commandments of Sinai. Jesus really missed the boat when he confused the mitzva of kre’a shma, the Torah definition of love, with the revelation of HaShem at Sinai – as expressed in the opening first 2 commandments. Why then did the editors and framers of the Torah organize the revelation of the Torah at Sinai into the format of 10 commandments????
        All prophets command Mussar, and Moshe he serves as the greatest of all Torah prophets. Something as significant as this, you would think that non Jews – as expressed through the religions of Xtianity and Islam, would have understood and known, but such most definitely not the case. The Koran repeats the word prophet over and again. About every 7 to 12th word – prophet. Yet never once did the Framers of the Koran ever ask: “How does the Torah define this key term “Prophet”?
        The Talmud refers to this fundamental error in logic as — “Hanging a mountain by a Hair”. In the 2008 Presidential election candidate Obama hung his hopes for winning the Office of POTUS on the “hair”, the rhetoric of “C H A N G E”. Obama like Xtianity with the term prophet, he never trouble himself – not in 8 years of Office – to ever once give a concrete definition to this “hair” key word “C H A N G E”.
        All T’NaCH prophets command mussar. The editors and framers of the Torah organized the revelation of the Torah at Sinai together with the 10 plagues of Egypt. But after the 2nd Commandment, Israel could hear no more; they demanded that Moshe ascend the Mount and receive the rest of the Torah. At the sin of the golden calf, mentioned previously, Israel had received only 2 commandments and no more. The breaking of the 2 tablets: the first commandment on one and the second commandment on the other.
        At the crisis of the golden calf, Israel who sent Moshe to receive the rest of the Torah for fear that if the people heard just one more command, that they would all die; the people, 40 days after Moshe had gone missing, cried unto Aaron: “Moshe is dead. Who will teach us the rest of the Torah?” 40 days after Moshe broke the 2 tablets, he heard the Oral Torah logic system. This logic system permitted Moshe to derive 611 commandments!!!! The 611 commandments exist as interpretations upon the opening first 2 commandments. The Talmud employs the Oral Torah logic system to derive 10s of thousands of halachic laws which interpret the Torah in a like and similar fashion as did Moshe who derived the 611 commandments based upon the Oral Torah logic system which HaShem revealed to Moshe 40 days after the sin of the golden calf!
        Both Xtianity and Islam deny the revelation of the Oral Torah logic system. The rediscovery of the ancient Greek logic formats developed by Plato and Aristotle would dominate the Muslim and Xtian civilizations to this very day. The lights of Hanukkah, during that Civil War which pitted the P’rushim\Pharisees against the assimilated T’zeddukim\Sadducees … the P’rushim (separated: think tithes), this leadership existed during the 110 years that Judea existed as an independent nation. After the nation lost its national independents to the Romans the title of the inheritors of the P’rushim took the name of rabbi or rabbis. The dedication of the lights of Hanukkah — to only interpret the Written Torah using the Oral Torah logic format. And most specifically not to use alien Greek logic formats to interpret the Written Torah!!
        The refusal of Xtian leaders to recognize, much less validate, the Oral Torah logic format, revealed to all generations of bnai brit Israel on Yom Kippur 40 days after the sin of the golden calf, this unique logic format permits all generations to interpret the Torah unto its original k’vanna of its Framers. No one generation has a lock and monopoly upon logic. Xtianity committed a Huge Error when its leaders threw out the Written Torah together with the bath water Oral Torah. The Church confused Torah commandments with judicial legal rulings/halacha; Paul and his misinformed ilk called Torah commandments “the law”. A catastrophic error. Court judicial rulings, known as halacha in Hebrew, exist as law – legalistic interpretations. Torah commandments – being prophetic – command mussar. Mussar by definition – NOT law.
        Tefilla qualifies as a postive time oriented commandment. This type of Torah commandment {positive and negative and positive time oriented}, requires k’vanna. The k’vanna which tefilla requires, remembering t’shuva. Xtianity errs by limiting its mistranslation of t’shuva unto repentance to regretting sin. T’shuva by sharp contrast “remembers” both tohor and tuma social interactions. Torah faith of the Cohen nation spins around the limitation to do avodat HaShem strictly and only when in a tohor condition. The Torah threatens the din of כרת if a Cohen person attempts to remember the t’shuva made by a specific Yatzir within the heart when daavening the Shemone Esrei – tefilla. This fundamental distinction – tefilla dedicates t’shuva of a specific Yatzir within the heart (Tahor or Tumah Yatzir), it fundamentally and for ever separates tefillah from none Jewish prayer. Making this required “P’rushim\separation” distinguishes Yiddishkeit from the counterfeit religions which the world knows as Xtianity and Islam.


    1. Greetings Alice.Thank you so much for your unwavering support on my blog.I am more than excited to share with you that I have published my first book Happily Married, Happily Single,No Compromise and it is now on Amazon. I believe this will bless you just like many of my posts. Besides that I need support on my first publication and here is the link I would like to use some short but interesting videos to push it through,you will do well to subscribe to my YouTube Channel. Here is the link to the book launch and I hope this will bless you!

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  8. Jaba Paul says:

    It’s really important because sometimes men are also pretend that they are well but reality is opposite.


    1. Precisely.
      Thank you so much for coming through here


      1. Jaba Paul says:

        Thank you so much for following me😊


      2. You have a beautiful blog i will go through it when i get the time alright!


      3. Jaba Paul says:

        Thanks a lot 🙏


      4. Greetings dear.Thank you so much for your unwavering support on my blog.I am more than excited to share with you that I have published my first book Happily Married, Happily Single,No Compromise and it is now on Amazon. I believe this will bless you just like many of my posts. Besides that I need support on my first publication and here is the link I would like to use some short but interesting videos to push it through,you will do well to subscribe to my YouTube Channel. Here is the link to the book launch and I hope this will bless you!

        For orders inbox me on whats App

        Or use the Amazon link above.

        Don’t forget to activate the notification button on YouTube!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much !


  9. Lalit says:

    You are absolutely right. We always talk about mental health and social incidents but most of the times we forget to include men in those topics.
    I’m glad that my wife supports and I can easily open up to her about anything while she understands and motivates me. She’s my comfort. And I hope and pray that all other men out there would get someone so much supportive and understand ing.
    Thank you for sharing this.


    1. You are blessed man to have a supportive woman.
      Its a rare blessing these days because young many are marrying hastly without checking the character of whom they are marrying.
      Thank you so much for interacting here!


      1. Lalit says:

        I agree. Stay safe and blessings to you.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Greetings dear.Thank you so much for your unwavering support on my blog.I am more than excited to share with you that I have published my first book Happily Married, Happily Single,No Compromise and it is now on Amazon. I believe this will bless you just like many of my posts. Besides that I need support on my first publication and here is the link I would like to use some short but interesting videos to push it through,you will do well to subscribe to my YouTube Channel. Here is the link to the book launch and I hope this will bless you!

        For orders inbox me on whats App

        Or use the Amazon link above.

        Don’t forget to activate the notification button on YouTube!


  10. 02ink says:

    Nigeria isn’t among


    1. Yes, they didnt contact the analysis there

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 02ink says:

        INigeria will have the highest number am sure of that

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Is it? I Though Nigeria has strong man called Oga😁

        Liked by 1 person

      3. 02ink says:

        They just want to be rich (quick money) so some end up running mad and some end up dying then some if they don’t have peace of mind the commit suicide


      4. Oooh thank you, you educated me today!
        Thank you the information.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Are you from Nigeria ?


    3. Greetings dear.Thank you so much for your unwavering support on my blog.I am more than excited to share with you that I have published my first book Happily Married, Happily Single,No Compromise and it is now on Amazon. I believe this will bless you just like many of my posts. Besides that I need support on my first publication and here is the link I would like to use some short but interesting videos to push it through,you will do well to subscribe to my YouTube Channel. Here is the link to the book launch and I hope this will bless you!

      For orders inbox me on whats App

      Or use the Amazon link above.

      Don’t forget to activate the notification button on YouTube!


  11. Travelling Cat says:

    I noticed that Canada was not on the list. I wondered if you knew how Canada ranks in this. Our newspapers don’t ever report that this happens here.


    1. Why do you think this is happening ?


      1. Travelling Cat says:

        They have other scams to write about?


      2. Maybe! let’s just keep praying for our fathers and husbands they are going through a lot


      3. Travelling Cat says:

        And so are mothers and wives. And chldren.


      4. Definitely the whole family.


      5. Greetings dear.Thank you so much for your unwavering support on my blog.I am more than excited to share with you that I have published my first book Happily Married, Happily Single,No Compromise and it is now on Amazon. I believe this will bless you just like many of my posts. Besides that I need support on my first publication and here is the link I would like to use some short but interesting videos to push it through,you will do well to subscribe to my YouTube Channel. Here is the link to the book launch and I hope this will bless you!

        For orders inbox me on whats App

        Or use the Amazon link above.

        Don’t forget to activate the notification button on YouTube!


  12. Such sobering statistics. This problem has been made so much worse in the past couple of years – people separated from one another, not gathering for worship or other happy occasions, not being able to visit and support our sick loved ones, hiding our smiles behind masks, teaching our little ones to fear being around others – all contribute to an epidemic of loneliness, leading to despair. We who know Jesus need to be spreading His love more than ever.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Spot-on, I’m sure we can take first steps to resolve this.
      You raised powerful point .There is a scripture which talk about in these times the love of many will grow cold and people will be lovers of themselves and money etc.So we just need to be alert so that we are no caught up.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. This is just a sample but i’m sure all contries are affected.But we need watch because death of men who are supposed to be fathers is not a good sign to the future generation.


  14. Point well taken. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.


    1. You are welcome.
      Thank you for the visit you are always welcome.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Greetings dear.Thank you so much for your unwavering support on my blog.I am more than excited to share with you that I have published my first book Happily Married, Happily Single,No Compromise and it is now on Amazon. I believe this will bless you just like many of my posts. Besides that I need support on my first publication and here is the link I would like to use some short but interesting videos to push it through,you will do well to subscribe to my YouTube Channel. Here is the link to the book launch and I hope this will bless you!

      For orders inbox me on whats App

      Or use the Amazon link above.

      Don’t forget to activate the notification button on YouTube!


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