Wrong meditation

Psychologists tell us that focus produces feelings. If you focus on negative thoughts, you will attract feelings of anxiety and depression.

Proverbs 12:25 states: “Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad.”

This scripture implies that one can meditate oneself into trouble and distress, but equally, one can meditate oneself out of that distress.

Proverbs 17:22 adds: “A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.”

You might ask, “How can I avoid thinking about all the drama around me?” I would suggest:

  1. Interpret all things happening around you according to the sovereign purposes of God. Romans 8:28 KJV says: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.”
  2. Keep the vision of your future destiny in sight.

Philippians 3:14 (New Living Translation) encourages us: “I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.”

In summary, whatever is happening in your life, if you love God and obey Him, relax; the rest is just drama. At any point, if they test your blood pressure, it should be as tranquil as that of a newborn baby.

Still you qualify

In 1 Kings 17:8-16, God instructs Elijah to travel to Zarephath, where He has directed a widow to provide for him. This widow, who takes over the role of the ravens, is to sustain Elijah. However, upon Elijah’s arrival, it appears as if the widow has not been commanded by God. She is so depleted of food that she is preparing for her own demise (1 Kings 17:12).

From this narrative, we learn a profound lesson: when we dedicate the little we possess to God’s purposes, our resources will not be exhausted(The oil will not run dry). The efficient use of what we have leads to overflow.

When your existence transcends self-interest, you discover the admirable quality present in the widow of Zarephath. This same quality was evident in the young boy with two fish and five loaves of bread.

In essence, you may not seem destined for divine tasks because others appear more suited. Yet, a closer examination of the widow of Zarephath can inspire us.

Whatever God commands, follow through

Givers vs Takers

When you offer too much, people may cherish the gift over the giver.I mean they may fall in love with your hand not your heart.

Overindulging others with gifts can foster not gratitude, but entitlement.Even in courtship you should avoid indiscriminate financial giving to blot out takers.

They may seek you out for what you provide, overlooking the sacrifices you make.

The assumption might be that you give from abundance, not from a place of compassion.

They may feel entitled to your generosity, passively awaiting the next offering.

Consistent reliance on the same aid year after year should raise concerns about their self-management. Continual support may encourage dependence and a lack of initiative. Moreover, you risk resentment when the giving ceases.

Therefore, it’s crucial to safeguard your resources. Those who take without giving may never cease to do so.At times we should emphasize on reciprocity.

What we ask for vs what we believe

In life, you don’t receive what you merely ask for; you receive what you truly believe. At times, your words may seek one thing, while your heart resonates differently. Whether in an interview or on a date, if your body language suggests unworthiness, it speaks volumes.

Your belief manifests through your energy—the confidence in your stride, the poise in your posture as you face the world.

Desiring something is futile without belief. Longing for wealth or a loving marriage is just the beginning. Conviction is key; without it, even if granted, you won’t find contentment.

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…” (Proverbs 23:7, KJV)

Wishes may be vocal but lack strength. Beliefs, though silent, hold immense power. They silently steer the course of your life.

How often have we recoiled from opportunities, intimidated by our potential greatness? How frequently does our energy settle for less, contradicting our verbal pleas for more?

When you pray next, seek the gift of faith—the faith to aspire for greatness and embrace your destiny.

“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” (Matthew 21:22, ESV)

Align your speech with your faith. Do not yearn for a joyful marriage while doubting the existence of true companions. Let your faith assure you that your destined one exists, even if seemingly the last on earth.

True belief is not just felt; it’s enacted.

This vibrant belief forges your destiny, propelling you toward prosperity. Your actions affirm your place in abundance.

Desire sets your path; dreams paint the possibilities.

But belief? Belief breathes life into your aspirations.

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1, KJV)

Believe, and let your faith shape your reality.


There is a body of knowledge that leads some women to perceive their partners’ requests as acts of domination, control, and mistreatment.

While there are indeed instances of extreme domination, it is true that men are divinely appointed as leaders in a family setup, with an innate inclination to guide, lead, and protect. If a man is deprived of the opportunity to express this calling, he may feel stifled within the relationship. This is because, unlike a job that he can quit, a father cannot easily resign from his role, yet he must not impose himself.

The doctrine in question prompts some individuals to resist what is natural. They seek a partner yet are unwilling to create that homely environment. They desire love but only on their own terms.

For years, we have attempted to challenge the notion of submission, but it is time to recognize the futility of opposing this concept. Reinventing the wheel is unnecessary. Countless men we cherished have been lost to others because we persisted in our ways. At times, out of pride, we turn to less assertive men who pursue us for financial gain, leading to complications. Why? Because we then assume the roles of both being a woman and a man of the house, which is too huge a responsibility.

Proverbs 14:12 states, “There is a path that appears right to a person, but its end is the path to death.”

This should not lead to self-pity but rather to a reevaluation of the principles we follow, earnestly seeking divine guidance. It may not be your fault; it could be the result of exposure to flawed marriages. Many such unions are now merely nominal and have been obsolete for some time.

Recall that the media often portrays the start of relationships with weddings and traditional ceremonies, but the conclusion is not as visible for instruction. Yet, it is the conclusion that holds great significance. “The beginning of the matter is not as important as the end thereof.” An embarrassing ending is like hidden traps; one only realizes their presence when ensnared by the same pitfalls.

The remedy is to address the core issue. Reclaiming a confident feminine identity is essential. One can be a protective figure in the professional sphere and a cherished partner at home. Balancing these two energies is key to a healthy union.

Sibling Rivalry during holidays

As we gather for the holidays this season, take note of unnecessary sibling rivalry. Small misunderstandings can act as revealing mirrors, reflecting deeper sentiments. When emotions flare, words spill forth unfiltered, and in those unguarded moments, truth often emerges.

In 1 Samuel 17:28, we encounter a powerful example of this dynamic. Eliab, David’s oldest brother, heard him speaking with the men and burned with anger. He confronted David, saying, “Why have you come down here? And with whom did you leave those few sheep in the wilderness? I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart is; you came down only to watch the battle.”

Living in denial after a face-to-face encounter with the truth can be deadly. Anger can serve as a potent catalyst, unlocking hidden chambers of the heart. Those heated utterances—like shards of glass—may pierce through the fog of ambiguity, illuminating intentions that were once shrouded. It’s as if the soul, in its fury, can no longer bear the weight of pretense.

So listen when tempers flare. Pay heed to the unscripted confessions that tumble forth. They might unravel the mystery of past actions, backhanded statements, and cryptic phrases. Beneath the veneer of politeness, raw emotions carve their own narrative.

And as you lend an ear, remember this: people will always tell on themselves. Their unguarded words, like breadcrumbs, lead back to their true selves—their fears, desires, and unspoken truths. So let them talk, and in their torrent of syllables, you’ll find the map to their hidden landscapes.

In short, if you encounter that truth, don’t feel bad. You are not the first to face such hostility. David had brothers and even a father who treated him harshly, but he found more than a brother in Jonathan. May you also find your Jonathan, someone who understands and supports you, even amidst challenges.

The Importance of Timely Issue Resolution

Addressing inappropriate behavior promptly is far less burdensome than enduring the silent suffering that comes with silence. Suppressing your feelings may lead you to being misjudged as a bad person when you finally reach your breaking point.

Everyone has a limit, and when it’s reached, even the nicest individuals can find themselves facing serious consequences. Each time you suppress your feelings, you abandon the real you, risking becoming someone potentially dangerous.

Failing to address issues promptly means we must find another opportune moment, gathering our courage all over again. Worse, as time slips by, we may find ourselves harboring silent resentment, waiting for another transgression to unleash our pent-up frustrations.

Proverbs 15:1 offers wisdom: “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” This suggests that responding out of frustration can create a vicious cycle, especially in marriages. Ephesians 4:29 encourages us to speak only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, benefiting those who listen.

It may be daunting to say, ‘Please stop. I don’t like that,’ or to ask for clarification when something sounds unkind. However, such clarity can prevent harmful patterns or clear misunderstandings before they worsen. James 1:19 reminds us to be “quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,” emphasizing the importance of thoughtful, immediate dialogue. This doesn’t mean creating stale and unresolved issues but being considerate before engaging with those who wrong us.

Even if fear causes a tremor in your voice, strive to resolve issues rather than bottling them up. Your effort, though imperfect, is timely and reflects the biblical call to wise and loving communication.
Have a great week!


Once again, brothers, happy weekend ,but be wary of that Jezebel-like character. She impersonates a virtuous woman—the esteemed Proverbs 31 woman we all desire—but in reality, she is a modern day version of a commercial sex worker. Remember, like any other woman, she desires marriage and the benefits of a committed man like you, but she lacks stamina, loyalty, and the heart of a good woman.

It’s easy for any brother to notice the inconsistency in her behavior, but her bait is that she has a strong sexual allure. She is completely untamed. She displays her charms and her partially clothed body on social media and to any man. She calls any man with those sweet and pet names she uses on you. She also appears to be a high-class woman, but to be honest, she is depending on you to rise up. Owing to her craftiness, just like Delilah, she can easily get men to assist her in business and in securing good jobs. It’s also easy for her to accumulate a huge social media following because she gives men sexual pleasure by sight and her words are smooth and seductive that the bible had to expose her as well;

Proverbs 7:4-5
4Say to wisdom, “You are my sister,” And call understanding your nearest kin,
5That they may keep you from the immoral woman, From the seductress who flatters with her words.

This is why it’s easy for brothers to get bewitched by her shenanigans. She appears sought-after by many men because of her large number of lustful followers. Acquiring her as your spouse seems like hitting the jackpot. In truth, you are more worthy than her because you have boundaries, unlike her. After winning her over, you will be shocked to find that you are more of a caretaker than a partner.

You will notice that she is deeply troubled by something, evidenced by her excessive need for validation and attention. She will quickly share her past traumatic experiences, and at this juncture, she will activate the “rescuer instinct” in you. That’s how numerous brothers are drawn into the drama.

Since she is a free spirit, she will not deny you anything, and you will feel special and fortunate. But the truth is, she doesn’t deny anyone who is a potential victim of her charms.This is the beginning of your misery….

Proverbs 7:25-27
25Do not let your heart turn aside to her ways, Do not stray into her paths;
26For she has cast down many wounded, And all who were slain by her were strong men.
27Her house is the way to hell, Descending to the chambers of death.

The Intricacies of Communication

Navigating Between Expression and Perception

“I’m only responsible for what I say, not what you understand.”

At first glance, this statement might come off as dismissive or even callous. However, it touches upon a fundamental aspect of human interaction: the delicate balance between expressing oneself and being understood.This is why sometimes you may apologize for how your statement was comprehended by your partner for the sake of love.

The Speaker’s Burden
As communicators, we often bear the weight of ensuring our message is clear and concise. We choose our words carefully, we craft our sentences with precision, and we anticipate the interpretations of our audience. Yet, despite our best efforts, misunderstandings occur. Why is that?

The Listener’s Role
Interpretation is subjective. Each individual brings their own experiences, biases, and emotions to the table when they listen. This means that two people can hear the same message and walk away with entirely different understandings. It’s not just about the words spoken; it’s about the words heard.

The Miscommunication Gap
This gap between what is said and what is understood is where miscommunication thrives. It’s a space filled with assumptions, projections, and all the unsaid things that linger in the air. Bridging this gap is a dance between speaker and listener, a negotiation of meaning and intent.If you master that ,half marriage problems solved!

Finding Common Ground
So, how do we navigate this complex web? It starts with acknowledging that communication is a two-way street. Speakers must strive for clarity, yes, but listeners must also engage actively, seeking to understand not just the words, but the intent behind them.

James 1:19-20
So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath;
for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

In the end, the statement “I’m only responsible for what I say, not what you understand” serves as a reminder that while we can control our words, we cannot control their interpretation. It’s a call to approach conversations with empathy and an open mind, recognizing that true understanding is a collaborative effort.

Religious narcissism

Occasionally, you’ll encounter people who talk about the Bible incessantly. Their greetings are plastered with spiritual pleasantries and bible quotes.The same individuals may enter your life through prayer and prophecy. Prayer, generally viewed as goodwill, often doesn’t raise suspicion. However, beware of religious narcissists who cloak their malice in spirituality.

These manipulators use divine-sounding words to carry out their evil schemes. Underneath their seemingly righteous guidance lies envy and manipulation. Religious narcissists prey on vulnerability, using fear and dependency to control your life.

Remember, you are not obligated to engage with them. If their presence feels toxic, step away. Their persistence may escalate, but stay firm. Your well-being matters more than their hidden motives.

“Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.” —Matthew 7:15

Unfortunately, most people expect these manipulators to appear in the form of pastors, as if the scripture excludes everyone else. However, they can take various forms. Recently, I encountered an elderly lady, dressed in a common white doek and a long white dress—a symbol of dignity and holiness. Yet, she had stolen approximately $345 from different people using her religious innocence. We thank God that with the help of the police, she was reimbursing the funds pending a court hearing.

These religious narcissists may bring you prophecies about wealthy relatives being the source of your bad luck. Their goal? To create dependence on their advice and keep anyone who might shed light away. Some vulnerable women can be mesmerized to the point of running away from their husbands to seek refuge with these manipulative men.

“They are the kind who work their way into people’s homes and win the confidence of vulnerable women who are burdened with with sins” —2 Timothy 3:6

In short, we are saying stay vigilant, the world is now wicked. Trust your spiritual intuition.Its very hard to flush out their malice because it’s hidden in something you believe in -spirituality.If you feel repulsion, you shall disengage immediately.